Bike Lanes More Popular Than God

A growing majority of New Yorkers support the creation of new bike lanes, according to a series of Quinnipiac polls.

New York City’s bike lanes are now officially more popular than God. So here’s a helpful tip to ambitious New York City politicians: it might just be time to get on board with bike lanes.

The latest survey of New Yorkers by the nationally respected Quinnipiac University Polling Institute shows support for new bike lanes at a new high. 59 percent of New Yorkers support the expansion of the bicycle network, up from 54 percent in March. Only 35 percent now disapprove.

For some context, compare the 59 percent approval enjoyed by New York City bike lanes to a recent national poll which found only a 52 percent approval rating for God. The creation of the universe, to be fair, significantly outpolled new bike lanes, with 71 percent of Americans approving.

Back in the realm of the secular, more New Yorkers think bike lanes are a good thing than a bad thing across all racial categories and all age groups. Majority support for more bike lanes can be found in every borough but Staten Island.

Politicians may be interested to know that majorities of both Democrats and independents — the keys to any New York City campaign — support more bike lanes, as do union households.

“Despite months of misinformation and fake controversy, a growing majority of New Yorkers support these street safety improvements,” said Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White. “New Yorkers are savvy people.”


Times Poll: New Yorkers Really Love Bike Lanes, Bike-Share, and Plazas

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Marist Poll: Two-Thirds of New Yorkers Support Bike Lanes

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Times Poll Confirms: 66 Percent of New Yorkers Like Bike Lanes

Poll numbers released by the New York Times today show that 66 percent of adult New Yorkers think bike lanes are a good idea, joining a growing body of public opinion data that indicates strong local support for bike infrastructure. Just two years ago, the Times noted that “there have been no independent polls of New Yorkers’ attitudes […]