Why Andrew Rides

Here’s the 12th portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series.

Bike Portrait of Andrew the painter for Why I Ride series by Dmitry Gudkov
Photo copyright Dmitry Gudkov

Andrew is a New Jersey native, a longtime Brooklyn resident, and a painter. I happened upon him and his bike/trailer at the waterfront park in Williamsburg, where he was completing a depiction of the new condominiums along the water. As it turns out, Andrew didn’t become a New York cyclist primarily for exercise or recreation, but out of a kind of professional necessity. He still uses his car as a main mode of transport, but the bike has become an indispensable tool for his work.

Because much of his art focuses on New York cityscapes taken from interesting perspectives, his bike/trailer combination is sometimes the only viable way of getting himself and his art supplies to the vantage point from which he wants to paint. For a time he got around solely by car, but the realities of New York streets pushed him to develop his current system. “I couldn’t afford all the parking tickets I was getting, so I needed a new solution.”

Now he loads his bike and trailer into his car and drives from his Flatbush home to the location he wants to paint. After securing a safe parking spot, he rides the rest of the way. In addition to allowing him and his equipment access to more parts of the city, his new method has spurred him to ride more often just for the enjoyment of it.


Caption Contest: Tappan Zee Outreach Gone Fishin’

Until last fall, the state’s planning for a new Tappan Zee Bridge was a model of public outreach. It included over 280 public meetings and one outreach center open full-time on each side of the bridge. Under Governor Andrew Cuomo, however, the project has been “fast-tracked.” Transit was axed from the bridge and the project […]

Caption Contest: Re-name This Foursome

Hat tip to Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics for this snapshot of four state senators who’ve helped concoct a stopgap, toll-less MTA funding plan that does nothing to address the imminent decline of New York’s transit system. Lest they be accused of completely shortchanging the future, they say maintenance and expansion can be taken […]

Caption Contest: Not Commenting About the [Expletive] Bike Lane

This was the scene in Jackson Heights yesterday, where Mayor Bloomberg, Anthony Weiner, and the top dog on Prospect Park West, Senator Chuck Schumer, joined a bevy of other pols to contest the surprisingly low Census counts in Brooklyn and Queens. (That’s Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez between Bloomberg and Schumer.) During the presser, the Senator was […]

Caption Contest: Shelly’s Lifetime Supply of Free Parking

Photo courtesy of the Daily Politics Why is Rochester Mayor and lieutenant governor-in-waiting Robert Duffy presenting this novelty oversized parking placard to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver? The occasion was a ribbon-cutting for a parking structure that just re-opened in downtown Rochester. Back in 2006, an exit ramp of the South Avenue Garage collapsed. Miraculously, no […]