This Week: A Safer 181st Street, Midtown Bike Lanes Vote

It’s a very busy week on the Streetsblog calendar, with the presentation of safety improvements for 181st Street, votes on bike lanes for First and Second Avenues, and panels on smart growth and the city’s zoning code.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


CB 12 Committee Backs Road Diet, Bike Lanes on St. Nicholas Ave

A DOT proposal for a road diet and bike lanes St. Nicholas Avenue in Washington Heights got a vote of support last night from the Manhattan Community Board 12 transportation committee. The project could get striped next spring. The bike lanes will connect with newly-installed bike lanes near the High Bridge in Washington Heights, and to a […]

DOT Proposes Road Diets for Two Uptown Avenues

Two dangerous uptown avenues could get road diets and bike lanes this summer under a DOT plan presented to the Manhattan Community Board 12 transportation committee on Monday [PDF]. A plan for Sherman Avenue received the committee’s support, while a design for St. Nicholas Avenue is headed for at least one more month of review. There were 25 serious […]

This Week: Help Improve Driver Education on Cycling

In response to the death of cyclist Jasmine Herron, who died after getting doored by a motorist on Atlantic Avenue last month, Brooklyn State Senator Eric Adams plans to release a bill to add bike safety components to the state’s required drivers ed courses. To build momentum, he wants to organize a group ride and […]

DOT Chooses Least Ambitious Option For 181st Street Makeover

With five bus lines, two subway stops, a busy commercial strip, the only entrance to the Hudson River Greenway for blocks, and major bridge crossings at both ends of the street, Washington Heights’ 181st Street is a tangle of cars, buses, bikes and pedestrians. For years, DOT has been looking to redesign the corridor entirely, […]

Sneak Preview: The Jay Street Protected Bike Lane

Tonight, DOT will present plans for a protected bike lane on Jay Street in Downtown Brooklyn to the Brooklyn Community Board 2 transportation committee. DOT shared this rendering of the redesign with Streetsblog this afternoon. Jay Street is an essential connection for bike commuters traveling over the Manhattan Bridge, but it’s chaos during rush hour, when cyclists must weave around a slalom […]