Eyes on the Street: A Clearer Path for the Adams Street Bike Lane?

The bike lane on Adams Street used to be located on the right side of the street, but it looks like it might be switching to the left, where drivers may be less inclined to block it.

A reader sends this shot of the freshly paved surface of Adams Street, heading toward the Brooklyn Bridge just south of Johnson Street. The parking regulations have switched sides, so it looks like the old curbside bike lane on the right side of the street — a notorious double-parking zone — will be shifting over, either all the way to the left curb or between the parking lane and the moving lane. We have a request in with DOT to find out what the plan is.

A left-curb placement might make this bike lane somewhat less susceptible to chronic blockage by illegal parkers, nicely captured by Brownstoner today on a stretch of Adams closer to Tillary Street and the bridge entrance:

Photo: ##http://www.brownstoner.com/brownstoner/archives/2011/05/cluster_on_adam.php##Brownstoner##

DOT is in the process of fleshing out a substantial redesign of the Tillary and Adams approaches to the Brooklyn Bridge, currently scheduled for construction sometime next year. An early concept for the project included a center median, two-way protected bike lane on one block of Adams south of Tillary. Word is that Council Member Steve Levin’s traffic task force wants to see the protected path extend all the way south to Atlantic, but funding remains less than certain.


Eyes on the Street: The Jay Street Bike Lane Gets Protected

That’s right: There’s now a stretch of parking-protected bike lane on Jay Street in downtown Brooklyn. The project’s not done yet, but this afternoon DOT tweeted this photo showing a rideable section on southbound Jay near Myrtle Avenue. Implementation of the Jay Street redesign began last Thursday, when crews started to remove the old un-protected bike lane markings overnight. When […]