No Verdict on PPW Lawsuit Today

The opponents of the Prospect Park West bike lane had their first day in court today. Attorneys for both sides argued privately at the bench of Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Bert Bunyan for around five minutes. Afterwards, each side would only say that they would be back in court on June 22. We’re following up with the city’s Law Department to find out what was discussed and decided today and what it means for the case moving forward.


JSK Counters Markowitz Affidavit; No Decision on PPW Bike Lane Case Today

Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan has submitted an affidavit countering Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz’s assertion that the Prospect Park West bike lane was installed as a trial. The rest of the news coming from today’s hearing in Brooklyn Supreme Court once again centers on procedural maneuvering. There was no decision on the Prospect Park West […]