Why Maureen Rides

Here’s the fifth portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series.

Photo copyright Dmitry Gudkov

Maureen is a filmmaker who has used a bike to get around New York in all seasons for the last seven years. She rides to commute and run errands and sometimes goes for a long city ride with no destination in mind, just to clear her head. For a long time she rode a nice folding bike, which made it convenient to ride out somewhere and then bring the bike on the subway for the return trip.

After that bike was sadly stolen, Maureen replaced it with this cheap used bike, hopefully a less attractive target. So, like many New Yorkers, Maureen now carries a heavy chain lock that costs more than the bike it protects. It’s definitely a much heavier ride than what she’s used to and not nearly as easy to bring onto a train. Still, what she has given up in portability she’s made up in utility, thanks to the ever useful milk crate.

Why is cycling her favorite form of transport in New York? “I like to keep moving; I don’t ever want to wait, if I can help it. But more than anything I love that the bike lets me be physical in the city.” Her favorite time to ride is late at night, with the solitary journeys giving her a sense of the city she wouldn’t have otherwise. “When I’m biking home from my studio at 1 or 2 in the morning along the empty bike path, I feel like this is my park. This piece of the city belongs to me.”


Caption Contest: Chuck Schumer Rides the Prospect Park West Bike Lane

Looks like protected bike infrastructure is growing on Chuck Schumer. High-powered backchannel NIMBY assault notwithstanding, New York’s senior senator apparently does enjoy riding the bike lane in his front yard, as you can see in this Sunday morning photo courtesy of fellow PPW resident Paul Steely White. So, when will the rest of Streetsblog’s 2011 April Fools […]

Why Henriette Rides

Here’s the latest portrait in Streetsblog’s “Why I Ride” series. Henriette lives in lower Manhattan, works in film set design and uses her bike for just about everything – commuting, errands, and child transport. She owns a car too, but only really uses it for getting out of the city. I caught up with her […]

Why Eldrid Rides

Enjoy this special Tuesday installment of Streetsblog’s Why I Ride series. Eldrid was born in Hawaii and moved to Queens after getting out of the Air Force in the 1960s. He bought his first New York bike, a light-weight 3-speed, shortly thereafter. A tinkerer and collector, he’s had two or three bikes in various states of repair at […]

Why Lloyd Rides

This is the ninth portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series. Lloyd is a social worker living and working in the East Village. He’s on vacation this week, and was taking advantage of the warm weather to ride from lower Manhattan up to the George Washington Bridge. I caught up with him on the […]

Why Michele Rides

Here’s the latest portrait in Streetsblog’s “Why I Ride” series. I met Michele at the foot of the Brooklyn end of the Manhattan Bridge cycle path. She is a freelance scenic artist and regularly commutes over the Manhattan Bridge to Steiner Studios in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, where she paints sets for a TV show. […]

Why Erin Rides

Here’s the sixth portrait in Streetsblog’s weekly “Why I Ride” series. I always like to see bikes like Erin’s – elegant, but clearly bearing the scuffs and scratches that come with regular use. I ask her how she likes it. “I love it. It’s a great city bike.” Erin lives in Brooklyn and on this day […]