Weiner: There’s No Need for “Warfare Over Bike Lanes”

Queens Congressman Anthony Weiner has edged a little closer to clarifying his now-infamous “tearing out your [expletive] bike lanes” remark.

Though he previously seemed to confirm what many suspected — that the Times, in its zeal for a juicy lede, turned an off-the-cuff exchange with Mayor Bloomberg into an indictment of transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan — Weiner, who’s not exactly known for holding his tongue, has declined to elaborate when it comes to the question of whether he would maintain or continue the expansion of the city’s program for safer biking and walking if elected mayor.

Yesterday, during a social media exchange that brought in thousands of questions and comments, Weiner had this to say:

“first it was a joke. but it make the story because we now have open and unnecessary warfare over bike lanes. its a false choice : bike lanes and true civic planning.”

It’s not the same as, “No, I’m not going to tear out any bike lanes,” but Weiner appears to be acknowledging that the current bike lane “controversy” has been trumped up in the press. As for saying that New Yorkers can have both bike infrastructure and “true civic planning” — that’s sort of a no-brainer, right?

More to come, no doubt.


Anthony Weiner: I Love Bike Lanes. Let Me Count the Exceptions…

Anthony Weiner, enemy of congestion pricing and infamous bike lane antagonist, is talking about street design on the campaign trail. Though there was plenty of warning this day would come, it’s still kind of surreal. Weiner told Capital New York’s Azi Paybarah he was just joking when he boasted to Michael Bloomberg and a room […]

Seriously, Why Is Anthony Weiner So Terrified of Bike Lanes?

If Anthony Weiner has anything in common with his mentor Chuck Schumer, it is that he thrives on attention. And now that he’s created a niche for himself on the national stage as the unapologetic, in-your-face liberal congressman from Noo Yawk, he’s apparently gained a following of disaffected young Democrats who don’t necessarily feel represented […]

Weiner on Bike Policy: Small Talk, Small Stick

Yesterday, riders at the sixth annual Tour de Queens got a preview of Anthony Weiner’s proposal to introduce new city tax breaks for businesses that help employees bike to work. It’s one of the meager transportation proposals in his policy book, “Keys to the City.” There are already plenty of financial incentives to bike — walking […]

Weiner on the Environment: Big Talk, Small Stick

Where’s the beef? Under Rep. Anthony Weiner’s plan, vehicles, like the one above, would not be charged a fee to use New York City’s most heavily congested streets On Monday evening, just hours before the federal government’s announcement that it would give New York City $354.5 million to kick-start Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan, Rep. […]