Protecting Transit Funds Tops NYLCV’s Transpo Agenda

education_fund_logoEnvironmental advocates’ agenda for the Cuomo Administration continues to take shape, with the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund yesterday releasing its Albany agenda for 2011 [PDF].

Topping the transportation agenda is a call to protect dedicated transit funds. Raiding dedicated transit funds and cutting the MTA payroll tax should be off the table, NYLCV says. More ambitiously, NYLCV urges the state to find new revenue sources to pay for the MTA’s largely unfunded capital plan, which pays for repairs and expansions of the system.

The agenda also calls for the state to pass a complete streets law, to craft an economic development plan which would reduce the emissions from freight transport, to quickly implement the state’s new smart growth law, and to support a Cuomo-style plan for competitive smart growth grants.


Conservation Voters Give Legislature “B” Grade on Transportation

The state legislature earned a solid B on sustainable transportation issues this term, according to a report card issued Wednesday by the New York League of Conservation Voters. Legislators earned top marks for passing complete streets legislation and a transit funding lockbox, but were penalized for their continued attacks on the MTA’s budget. Transportation was […]

Pro-Pricing PAC Puts Pols on Notice

De Blasio, Jeffries, Gerson, Millman: Will they tarnish their environmental records by voting against pricing? The New York League of Conservation Voters announced earlier this month that it is forming a new political action committee called Climate Action PAC. Sitting at the top of the PAC’s legislative agenda: getting congestion pricing passed. When it comes […]

Anti-Pricing Lawmakers Dismayed by Potential Backlash

State legislators who opposed congestion pricing are shocked — shocked! — that the New York League of Conservation Voters may hold them accountable for their positions on one of the most important environmental initiatives in recent history. The Times reports that about a dozen lawmakers, including Bronx Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, are refusing to complete the […]

Connecting Transportation and Politics in Southern Queens

NYLCV is sending out 12,000 mailers for the February 24 City Council special election in southern Queens. On the scale of absurd political theater, fare hike hearings in New York City rank very close to the top. Elected officials heap scorn on the MTA, diverting attention from their own responsibility for underfunding transit, while beleaguered […]

Widening Coalition Calls Out Cuomo for Abandoning Transit

Anger over Governor Cuomo’s disregard for transit riders during this week’s special session continues to grow. Since yesterday, two new organizations have signed on to a letter calling out the governor for neutering transit lockbox legislation that the State Assembly and State Senate had passed unanimously. The League of Women’s Voters of New York City […]