Eyes on the Street: Taxi Crashes Into Upper West Side Bus Stop

Photo: Lisa Sladkus.
Photo: Lisa Sladkus.

A taxi driver plowed onto the sidewalk at the corner of 72nd Street and Columbus Avenue this morning, knocking into a signpole marking a stop for the crosstown bus. Lisa Sladkus of the Upper West Side Streets Renaissance was there and snapped this picture.

The NYPD press office didn’t have any information about the crash, suggesting that, luckily, there weren’t any serious injuries.


Upper West Siders: What Would You Fix?

In the first of many shorts we will present over consecutive days, The Open Planning Project’s Executive Director Mark Gorton tours the streets of the Upper West Side with neighbor Lisa Sladkus pointing out problems in advance of the November 6 Streets Renaissance Workshop with Jan Gehl. Today’s topic is: Double Parking. Parking policy is […]

CB 7 May Form Task Force to Work Out Columbus Ave Delivery Kinks

After a chaotic committee meeting Monday, Manhattan Community Board 7 was able to discuss the implementation of the Columbus Avenue protected bike lane far more productively at its full meeting Tuesday night, according to people who attended. The discussion of the new street design may lead to the creation of a community board task force […]