Vision Long Island Smart Growth Summit

Workshops include:

State of the Towns and Villages, featuring:

  • Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Town of N. Hempstead
  • Supervisor Steve Bellone, Town of Babylon
  • Supervisor Mark Lesko, Town of Brookhaven
  • Supervisor Phil Nolan, Town of Islip
  • Supervisor Sean Walter, Town of Riverhead
  • Supervisor Kate Murray, Town of Hempstead

Financing Smart Growth
Developments of Regional Impact
Wastewater Infrastructure
Transportation Reform
Clean Energy
Transit-Oriented Development
Affordable Housing
Public Safety & Downtown Revitalization
Farmers Markets & CSAs
Healthcare & Land Use
Downtown Destinations: Arts, Theaters, Hotels
NYS Smart Growth Legislation
Federal Sustainability Initiative


NYPD Supervisor: Speeding Enforcement “Usually Done on the Highways”

The Post revealed earlier this week that NYPD trains only one officer per precinct to use a radar gun, which partially explains why speeding enforcement is close to non-existent in most neighborhoods. But while NYPD thinly spreads local precincts’ speeding enforcement resources over thousands of miles of surface streets where pedestrians and cyclists are at […]

Long Island Towns Pursue Complete Streets Despite Assembly Stalling

New York State still lacks a complete streets law, despite the bill’s overwhelming passage through the State Senate and the support of the Assembly’s Transportation Committee. After a series of amendments in June, the Assembly bill now matches the stronger Senate version, but is stuck in the Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Upper Manhattan […]

“A Bicycle Is Not a Transportation Device”

Did you commute by bike this morning? (I’m not at the office yet today, but that’s how I’m going to get there.) If so, you might be surprised to hear that "a bicycle is not a transportation device." Those are the perplexing words of John Cook, a supervisor in Fairfax County, Virginia.  The FABB Blog […]

Man “Tasered” and Arrested for Leaving Airport by Bike

If you think handing out traffic tickets to Central Park cyclists or random seizures of locked bicycles qualifies as outrageous police behavior, check out what happened to Stephan Orsak when he tried to leave the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport on his Brompton folding bicycle. He says that he was pulled over by a police […]