This Afternoon at Union Square: Join the Rider Rebellion

Hey folks, just a quick reminder: Today at 5:30 p.m. you’re invited to join the Rider Rebellion, “an action-oriented campaign that will pressure state and city elected officials to stand up for riders and provide stable, long term funding for subways and buses.” There’s going to be a rally at Union Square to raise the profile of transit issues as we approach election day and the selection of a new governor for New York state.

Judging by the line-up for the event, there’s an impressive coalition in the making:

  • The ARC Gospel Choir (no relation to the ARC tunnel)
  • Elizabeth Yeampierre, UPROSE
  • John Samuelsen, TWU
  • Reverend Al Sharpton
  • Jay Arzu, Urban Youth Collaborative and Brothers and Sisters United
  • Dan Cantor, Working Families Party
  • Lynn Serpe, Green Party
  • Paul Steely White, Transportation Alternatives

Streetsblog will be there covering the rally and we’re looking forward to seeing a big crowd turn out for transit.