Eyes on the Street: Protected Bike Lane Discovered on Columbus Ave

columbus_ave_felix.jpgFelix Morales tries out the freshly painted lane on his scooter. Photo: Ken Coughlin

After a lot of great advocacy from the Upper West Side Streets Renaissance and a down-to-the-wire vote at Community Board 7 this spring, DOT crews are laying down the first on-street protected bikeway above 34th 59th Street, on Columbus Avenue between 96th and 77th. Streetsblog contributor Ken Coughlin sent in these pictures of the painting and striping in progress last Friday.

columbus_ave_one.jpgLooking south from 96th Street. Photo: Ken Coughlin


CB 7 May Form Task Force to Work Out Columbus Ave Delivery Kinks

After a chaotic committee meeting Monday, Manhattan Community Board 7 was able to discuss the implementation of the Columbus Avenue protected bike lane far more productively at its full meeting Tuesday night, according to people who attended. The discussion of the new street design may lead to the creation of a community board task force […]

Tomorrow: Speak Up for Safer Streets on the Upper West Side

Tomorrow night, the transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 7 will take public input on the possible expansion of protected bike lanes on the Upper West Side. On the agenda is a request from the board that DOT complete a proposal for protected lanes and other changes to the streetscape, including pedestrian islands, turning lanes […]

Defend the Columbus Avenue Bike Lane [Updated]

UPDATE: This meeting has been postponed to next Tuesday. We mentioned this in the calendar post on Monday but it bears repeating: If you support the new Columbus Avenue bike lane and want to see the safety benefits of pedestrian refuges and physically-separated bikeways extend elsewhere on the Upper West Side, come out to the […]