Eyes on the Street: Bike-Share Demo on Hudson Greenway

CIMG2168.JPGBob Burns, president of B-cycle, at right, shows off a rental station. Photo: Ben Fried

Denver bike-share firm B-cycle has set up a demo station at Pier 84 on the Hudson River Greenway. Reps should be there until around 5:00 today.

B-cycle is a cooperative of Humana, Trek, and PR firm Crispin Porter + Bogusky. On Thursday it will launch a 500-bike program, billed as "the first city-wide bike-sharing system in the U.S.," in Denver.


Thursday: Bike-Sharing Launches in Denver

Earth Day is coming around the bend, and cities are timing their new green initiatives to coincide with the public’s heightened eco-consciousness. Here’s one we’re partial to: In Denver, Mayor John Hickenlooper and city leaders are using the occasion to launch their 500-bicycle, 50-station bike-share system. It will be the largest bike-share system in the […]

Eyes on the Street: Cyclists Ride New Hudson Greenway Ramp in Inwood

Cyclists and wheelchair users will soon have improved access to the Hudson River Greenway in Inwood, when the Parks Department officially opens a new ramp connecting the greenway to Dyckman Street. The ADA-compliant ramp, at the northern terminus of the greenway, was supposed to open a year ago. Until now users had to enter and exit the […]

This Week: Hudson Greenway Detour, Bike-Share in Brooklyn

This summer the Parks Department presented a plan to route cyclists away from the waterfront greenway and onto a hilly, poorly-lit path between 72nd Street and 83rd Street. The greenway can get crowded along the water on summer days, but most of the time the current path doesn’t pose a problem. Nevertheless, as presented, the Parks Department’s proposal […]

Eyes on the Street: Much of the 158th St. Greenway Connector Is Missing

A utility crew ripped up 158th Street where a two-way bike lane connects to the Hudson River Greenway and hasn’t re-installed the bike lane after patching up the asphalt. A reader sent us photos of the bikeway, which is supposed to be a green, two-way route between Broadway and the Henry Hudson Parkway, separated from car traffic by plastic posts. A […]

Why Isn’t Bike-Share Reaching More Low-Income People?

Earlier this week, Denver’s B-Cycle bike-share system came under fire for allegedly side-stepping low-income neighborhoods. The accuser was City Council Member Paul Lopez, and his complaint was not something that system operators necessarily deny: There aren’t many stations in low-income neighborhoods. The broader claim — that bike-share isn’t serving the populations that might benefit most […]