City Council “Progressives” Want Your Budget Advice


If you find yourself with a little downtime, check out this survey from the City Council Progressive Caucus, looking for input on budget priorities for FY 2011.

Questions ask explicitly about bridge tolls and ending the parking tax exemption for Manhattan
. There’s also an open-ended space to, say, suggest measures like road pricing and
performance parking. 

Let’s make sure council "progressives" (all 12 of them) are pushing for equity in transportation costs and spending.


Vacca, City Council Agree to Deeper Budget Cuts to Keep Parking Cheap

Speaker Christine Quinn’s office just announced that the City Council has reached a budget deal with the Bloomberg administration, restoring some services slated for cuts and targeting others instead. There’s also one case where the council successfully fought to prevent the city from raising revenue to fund more services. A proposal to increase parking meter […]