Saturday: Input Wanted on Inwood Waterfront Esplanade

For years, the New York City Economic Development Corporation intended to have the Sherman Creek area in eastern Inwood rezoned for higher-density residential and commercial development. That effort was ultimately abandoned when stakeholders couldn’t come to terms, but as the Manhattan Times reports, plans survive for a waterfront esplanade along the Harlem River between Academy and W. 208th Streets.
East of 9th Avenue the five blocks between W. 202nd Street and W. 206th Street fall into the river. It is here that the Parks Department has built small pockets of green space with access to the river, barbecues and benches.
"The idea is to develop a feature that connects them," Alejandro Baquero-Cifuentes, EDC vice president for development told the Community Board 12 Parks and Recreation Committee Tuesday night.
[The project], if it ever becomes a reality, represents a significant amount of new public space in Northern Manhattan, where potentially someone could walk half the length of Inwood from Swindler Cove Park via a pedestrian trail and then the esplanade to the [University Heights] bridge.
Though a funding source for the project has yet to be identified, this weekend NYCEDC will hold a public workshop on the esplanade master plan. Details follow the jump.
WHAT: Public Workshop, Sherman Creek Waterfront Esplanade Master Plan
WHEN: Saturday, March 20, 2 – 5 p.m.
WHERE: Manhattan Christian Academy, 3816 Ninth Ave between W. 204-205th St.
RSVP: Barbara Patrick, 212-312-3673 or via email. Space is limited.