This Week: UES & Bklyn Street Safety, NYMTC & Carrion

Former Bronx boro prez Adolfo Carrion returns to the city for a Thursday event. Otherwise this week’s highlights are all about street safety and transit improvements.

  • Tuesday: TA’s East Side Streets Coalition will hold a workshop on street conditions on the Upper East Side. Participants will review maps showing where pedestrian and bicyclist
    vehicle crashes occur and their proximity to schools and senior
    centers, outline transportation problems and brainstorm solutions using
    the New York City Street Design Manual. This will inform the
    development of an East Side Action Plan to be launched in Fall 2010. 6 p.m. Also Tuesday: NYCDOT will make a presentation to Brooklyn CB 2 regarding a pedestrian and bicycle safety project for Flushing
    Ave. between Navy St. and Williamsburg St. and Kent Ave.
    between Clymer St. and Williamsburg St. 6 p.m.
  • Thursday: NYMTC holds its annual meeting, featuring Adolfo Carrion, director of the White House Office of Urban Policy, as keynote speaker. 10:30 a.m. Thursday evening: First/Second Ave. Select Bus Service open house: Learn about the SBS project and proposed station locations; view corridor design plans; provide input and talk with project team members from MTA and NYCDOT. 6 p.m. 

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.