Eyes on the Street: NYPD Chivalry Is Dead on 34th Street

NYPDBuslane1.jpgThe officers who parked here apparently aren’t the type to help old ladies cross the street. Photo: ddartley/Flickr

Thanks to tipster ddartley for the latest chapter in NYPD’s ongoing mistreatment of bus riders on 34th Street. Yesterday, eight cruisers from northern Queens (precincts 110, 111, 112, 114 and 115) sat parked in the bus lane between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. During evening rush hour. You know, we’re starting to think there may be a pattern here.

This time, the police stepped up their game, blocking the bus stop itself and forcing elderly passengers to disembark in the middle of the street. Since shame can’t keep police from inconveniencing bus passengers, maybe a physically separated busway on 34th will do the trick.

More pics after the jump.

NYPDBuslane2.jpgEight squad cars lined up in front of Macy’s…
NYPDBuslane3.jpg…forcing buses to travel in rush hour traffic. Photos: ddartley/Flickr