Streetfilms: Biking to Work With Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn

When Seattleites elected a new
mayor at the end of 2009, they really went for a breath of fresh air. In the general election, Mayor Mike McGinn, who rides a bike to work daily, was outspent nearly four to one. The race was very close, but with
an energetic volunteer base — and a campaign that emphasized many livable streets
issues — he pulled out the victory.

Only a few weeks into the new administration, I got the chance to commute with Mayor McGinn from his home in
Greenwood to City Hall. It wasn’t hard to convince him, seeing as he’s
a longtime Streetfilms fan, going back to his days as the founder of an organization called
Great City.

As you’ll see, McGinn has a lot of great things to say. Particularly exciting is a new website called Ideas for Seattle, which asks residents what they would like to see the mayor focus
on. Take a look: A good dozen of the current Top 20 could be
classified as livable streets issues. (Note: I think other cities
should replicate this.) So we wish Mayor McGinn the best and can’t wait to check back in a few years to see what kind of changes have taken place.



Connecticut Towns Nix Highway for Greenway

This is probably the best news ever in history, or at least close. According to the Rails to Trails Conservancy, the Connecticut towns of Norwalk and Danbury are building a greenway, which will also serve as an important commuter connection. But the best part is that the greenway is seen, in part, as an alternative […]