Transit Takes Another Hit: $104 Million More in MTA Cuts on the Table

Governor Paterson released a draft budget proposal today in which the dedicated taxes and fees that fund the MTA take another big hit. In a statement, MTA Chair Jay Walder said the budget would deliver $104 million less than expected for the agency in 2010.

That $104 million comes on top of $143 million the state took from the MTA last December to plug a looming budget gap, and the huge shortfall in revenue from the recently enacted payroll tax. 

In related news (file under "crisis equals opportunity"), the draft budget also proposes deploying speed enforcement cameras, which would be a first for New York State. The cameras would be located "in 40 work zones and 10 additional areas," according to the Times-Union.

We’ll have more on these stories as they develop. For now, I think it’s a good time to revisit the question that John Kaehny posed here last month. Are bridge tolls dead, or are they inevitable?


First Look: Transit Money Getting Shuffled Around in Cuomo’s Budget

Governor Cuomo is coming out with his draft budget today, and some sort of transit funding raid is expected to be included in the package. The press release from his budget office includes these details about MTA funding: The Executive Budget also provides a modest increase in cash operating support for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority […]

Cuomo Budget Amendments Claim End to MTA Raids After This Year

In amendments to the state budget released last week [PDF], the Cuomo administration claims that its $100 million raid on dedicated MTA funds was a one-time deal that won’t be repeated in the next three years. In detailing its plan to close the state’s deficit, the budget document lists the $200 million the state took […]

New York State Withholding a Fortune in Transit Taxes From MTA

How many ways can New York state raid the MTA piggy bank? Here’s one to keep an eye on. As the state budget deadlock drags on into its third month, Albany is withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in dedicated transit tax revenue from the MTA.  The state, which collects transit taxes before distributing the […]