Today’s Headlines

  • City Council Signs Off on Far West Side Rezoning, Deals Death Blow to Kingsbridge Mall (NYT)
  • Earthworm Churns Through First Phase of 7 Line Extension; Second Ave Sagas Not Impressed
  • Cap’n Transit: Let’s Reroute Road-Building Funds Toward MTA Operating Gap (via SAS)
  • Gene Russianoff Picks the Best and Worst Transit Developments of 2009 (HuffPo)
  • Along With Armory, Council Overrides Bloomberg on Parking "Grace Period," Clergy Placards (WNYC)
  • Rule of Two? Unlicensed, Red Light-Running Truck Driver Not Charged for Midtown Ped Death (News)
  • Staten Island Drunk Driver First to Be Sentenced Under Leandra’s Law (Post)
  • New Jersey’s New "Complete Streets" Policy Fraught With Holes (MTR)
  • Times Delves Into the Deadly Hazards of Road Construction Zones — for Drivers
  • Steve Cuozzo Running on Fumes: Gridlock-Free Times Square Repelling Skyscraper Tenants
  • Part of Brooklyn Bridge Park Will Open Next Month (WNYC)
  • Bronx Retiree: The New York Yankees Have Ruined My Neighborhood (Bleacher Report)