This Week: Party With TA, Tour Transit’s Past

There are several chances to get dressed up this week, beginning with Tuesday’s mega-project discussion at City College (business attire only, please) and continuing with an MAS awards ceremony on Thursday. Loosen up afterward at TA’s holiday shindig before capping off the week with a City Hall subway station tour. No jacket required for that one, we presume.

  • Monday: Transportation Alternatives Brooklyn Committee meeting. 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Joseph Berechman, chair of the Economics Department at City College,
    will contend in a book talk that investment decisions about
    multi-billion dollar capital projects rely too heavily on preliminary
    cost estimates and demand forecasts, without considering key issues
    such as a project’s risks, capital costs financing, and latent demand. 2:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: Today is the last day to submit comments on amendments to the NYMTC 2008-2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which includes projects in the Bronx as well as Rockland and Suffolk counties.
  • Thursday: The Municipal Art Society’s second annual Place Matters awards ceremony honors locations in the Bronx. 6:30 p.m. Also Thursday: The tenth annual TA holiday party, 8:30 p.m.
  • Friday: Last day to see the MAS exhibit "Urban Design After the Age of Oil".
  • Saturday: Tour the abandoned City Hall subway station, courtesy of the New York Transit Museum. Noon and 2 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week in Livable Streets Events

We’re a day late with this week’s event listings, but all the good stuff is still to come. Here’s what’s on tap from the Streetsblog Calendar. Today: Tour the Select Bus Service route along Fordham Road in the Bronx with Auto-Free New York during its July meeting. Should be an interesting discussion — the Auto-Free […]

“Crude World,” Major Deegan and a New Politics of Movement

Ever wonder how the oil extraction industry affects indigenous peoples and environments in places like Nigeria, Russia, Venezuela and the U.S.? Peter Maass’ engaging, detailed reporting in "Crude World" answers that question. This week, he is swinging through his hometown for three back-to-back speaking engagements at the Strand, CUNY and Revenue Watch. Be sure to […]

Bike-Share Presentations Continue at CBs This Week, Beginning Tonight

With two stops in Brooklyn and one in Manhattan, the Department of Transportation this week continues its tour of community boards to present plans for city bike-share. In last week’s presentation to Manhattan Community Board 2, DOT officials provided new details on the proposed boundaries for the bike-share system, its cost structure, siting criteria and […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

This week we have competing Tuesday evening events, followed by the big Tri-State Transportation Campaign fund-raiser on Thursday. But first, TA and TSTC team up for what could be a momentous discussion on traffic justice. There are three events on Tuesday: the legal symposium on vehicular homicide with presumptive Manhattan DA-elect Cy Vance, sponsored by […]

This Week: Busways, Transit Apps, Bike Culture

Bike Month kicks off with the busiest week of 2010 so far. We’ve got the highlights and big events below, with rides and other fun stuff after the jump. For all the rest, check the Streetsblog calendar. Monday: Manhattan Community Board 6 meets to discuss plans for the 34th Street transitway and Select Bus Service […]

This Week: Brooklyn Greenway, How to Join a Community Board

Tired of travesties like the repeated delay of important complete streets projects at Manhattan Community Board 7? Electing City Council members with a strong commitment to safer walking and biking is probably the biggest key to moving things forward, but you can have a more direct impact by getting yourself appointed to your local community […]