Eyes on the Street: Disrespect, and Defiance, at the Bus Stop


This was the scene in Washington Heights Friday evening, after this guy, along with two others, parked their gigantic rental truck directly in front of a trio of elderly people waiting for the M4 at W. 187th Street and Fort Washington Avenue. Rather than sit passively with the spewing behemoth a few feet from their faces, one of them, a woman shown after the jump, took out her cellphone and began taking pictures.

Since he didn’t see a bus coming, the gentleman in the picture above sincerely couldn’t understand what the problem was. But his co-worker, also pictured below, was incensed, screaming at the woman and, indirectly, at me, for taking photos. He was angry and aggressive enough that the guy above asked him several times to calm down.

After about 10 minutes, the third man returned (they had stopped so he could use an ATM), and they drove off, honking as they went.

whbus2.jpgThis woman, who could easily be someone’s grandmother, is tired of the indignities that too often accompany city bus travel …

whbus3.jpg… and this guy publicly berates her for sticking up for herself.


Tonight: DOT Unveils Plans for 181st Street in Washington Heights

Buses, trucks, cars and pedestrians vie for space on 181st Street. Photo: Brad Aaron DOT tonight will present its recommendations for improvements to Manhattan’s 181st Street. The hearing comes over a year after the first public input session on the project, where Upper Manhattanites weighed in on their priorities for making 181st a complete street. […]

In the Heights: City Aims to Make 181st a Complete Street

Buses and trucks jockey for position on 181st Street in Washington Heights Less parking; safer conditions for pedestrians and cyclists; fewer buses; improved traffic enforcement; designated commercial loading zones; control over street vendors; more parking. Those were among the top suggestions offered to DOT staff and consultants last Thursday at a forum for planned improvements […]