Calling for Your Photos of Work Bikes

There’s still time to submit photos for our next slide show. We’re looking for pictures of bikes at work — hauling, delivering, getting the job done. International submissions are definitely welcome.

The shot below, showing the Santa Cruz candy man on his way to hawk his wares on the boardwalk, captures the spirit perfectly. It comes from Richard Masoner, the author of Streetsblog Network member Cyclelicious.


A couple of specific items on our wish list: messengers, pedicabs and food delivery. The ordinary stuff, you know?

In case you didn’t get a chance to see our two earlier slide shows, check them out. One is on bike traffic (that beautiful thing), the other on cars and trucks hogging space that could be used by people.

Send your pics to me at sarah [at] streetsblog [dot] org, or tag them with "streetsblog" and "workbike" in Flickr.

We want to put up the results on Friday, so get your pics in by Thursday morning if you can.

And thank you.


Kids on Bikes Where You Live

Here’s something to be thankful for over this holiday break: Kids on bicycles. A beautiful thing. We got so many submissions for this one, it was truly inspiring. Many thanks to all who contributed, including Sarah Gilbert at cafemama, rbairdpccam, baudman, Julian Davies of Totcycle, Barry Childress of Baltimore Spokes, Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious, Liam […]

Biking the Freeze Where You Live

Riding in Longmont, Colorado. Photo: Richard Masoner It’s time for another Streetsblog Network slide show. This time, in honor of the frosty weather enveloping much of the country (and the world), we’re looking for your pictures of cycling in inclement conditions. Snow, ice, extreme cold — we know that you’re out there riding in it. […]

Wanted: Your Photos of Kids on Bikes

(Photo: Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious) Hey, we need your help again for our next slide show. This one is going to make you feel good. We’re looking for pictures of kids on bikes — on their own, with their parents, on trailers and seats and Xtracycles and whatever other kind of rig there is. Show […]

Bikes at Work Where You Live, Part 1

Wow. Our call for pictures of work bikes elicited such an overwhelming response — more than 300 photos — that we almost didn’t know where to begin. It’s truly inspirational and delightful to see how people around the world use bicycles for work (and in some cases to haul some serious gear for play). There […]

Transit in Trouble Where You Live

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: We love transit. Love love love. But that’s why we hate it so much when transit infrastructure and transit riders are neglected. And they are. The nation’s buses and trains and light rail are too often underfunded, dismissed, vandalized and disrespected. Transit riders deserve better. We […]

Wanted: Your Photos of Crummy Transit Conditions

Waiting to board the B44 in Brooklyn. Photo: Benjamin Fried Our latest call for photos was inspired by the picture at right, taken by Streetsblog New York’s own Ben Fried. It’s an all too familiar scene — transit riders crammed together, waiting for a bus (or train) that doesn’t come when it’s supposed to (if […]