Tonight: CB 7 to Take Up Protected Bike Lane Resolution
Tonight Manhattan Community Board 7 will vote on a resolution supporting the installation of protected bike lanes on the Upper West Side. Having cleared the board’s transportation committee last week, the reso would align the full board behind the concept of protected bike lanes on Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues from 59th to 110th Streets.
As was pointed out at the committee meeting, protected bike lanes not only benefit cyclists, but also help pedestrians by calming traffic, reducing crossing distances and giving bike riders a safer alternative to riding on the sidewalk. It was clear that the healthy public turnout had a positive impact on the committee’s decision. A similar show of support is needed tonight. Here are the details:
WHAT: Manhattan Community Board 7 Full Board Meeting
WHEN: October 6, 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Red Oak Apartments, 135 W. 106th St. (between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues)