We’re Walking Here: Seeking Students to Promote Healthy Transportation

With the Walk21 Conference in town next week, New York City will be the focus of this year’s Walk to School Day, and we want New York kids to benefit. To help out, Livable Streets Education is organizing a project to celebrate walking in schools: We’re Walking Here NYC.


As you already know, most Americans don’t get around much by walking. A recent New York Times article reminded us that only 13 percent of kids in America walk to school. In contrast, New Yorkers, including New York City kids, walk much more than the average American. Many New York City kids walk to school each day — whether they live a few blocks away, or walk themselves to the bus or train. In short, our walking habits can be a model for the rest of the country.

Livable Streets Education, NYC DOT, Walk21, and the National Center for Safe Routes to School will be co-hosting a free citywide event at Washington Square Park on Walk to School Day, October 7, from 1-2 p.m. Fun activities have been planned for K-12 students, focusing on green and healthy lifestyles. World-famous beatboxer Rahzel (a former member of The Roots) will be performing live, and international leaders will speak on active communities and urban livability.

Schools may then participate in the We’re Walking Here NYC PSA contest, for which students can creatively convey what they’ve learned about the many benefits of walking. Interested schools should contact us right away, as deadlines are approaching. Best entry will win a $1,000 cash prize!
So what can you do to make sure kids are involved? Please reach out to K-12 teachers or principals you know in New York City schools and encourage them to participate in We’re Walking Here NYC. For further information, and to sign up for the contest and event, go to www.walkingschools.org. Please feel free to email info[at]walkingschools.org with any questions.



Report: More Kids Are Walking to School

The long–term decline of walking and biking to school has been linked to the childhood obesity epidemic, a big share of morning rush hour traffic, and even kids’ lack of attention in class. In 1969, 41 percent of children in grades K–8 lived within one mile of school, and of those kids, 89 percent usually walked or biked. By […]

Streetfilms Shortie: Walk to School Day 2011

Wednesday was International Walk to School Day. Among the 3,784 U.S. schools participating this year was P.S. 197 in East Harlem, where kids were joined on their regular commute by Grover of “Sesame Street” fame, along with other guests. Robin Urban Smith of Streetfilms was there. Check out the vid for improvements near P.S. 197 […]