Streetfilms News: Podcasts, YouTube, Twitter and “Streetfilms Shorties”

You’ve been asking for more ways to get your Streetfilms fix, and now you’ve got ’em.

In addition to now posting all of our new films directly to YouTube, we’ve started podcasting on iTunes and Miro, making it easy to enjoy the latest and greatest from Streetfilms just about anywhere. Currently, our top 25 films are available for download and we’re working on getting the entire Streetfilms collection up pronto.

In other exciting news, Streetfilms is Twittering away, keeping you up to date on where we are and what we’re working on. Follow us and you’ll get instant notification about our latest films and ways you can contribute.

And via Twitter, you’ll also get instant access to our newest creation: "Streetfilms Shorties." These are little fun bits of video — sometimes just one shot, never longer than a minute — we may have captured while out and about that doesn’t yield a full traditional Streetfilm, but are intriguing. These shorts will only appear on our YouTube account and we’ll immediately Tweet them. Wanna see our first stab? Check it out above.

Finally, we’ll have some very exciting news in mid-October concerning the Streetfilms site as a whole. So stay tuned.


Times Square Then and Now: A Streetfilms Retrospective

Mayor Bloomberg is expected to announce his verdict on Times Square’s new pedestrian spaces very soon. Will the changes be permanent? This morning Bloomberg told radio host John Gambling that we’ll find out sometime next week. In the meantime, it seems like the media has decided to fixate on rumors that Midtown traffic speeds may […]

Streetsblog and Streetfilms Are Searching for a Development Director

After three stellar years with Streetsblog and Streetfilms, our development director Christa Orth is embarking on a new chapter with the fundraising consultancy Wingo. Christa masterminded the creation of a fundraising system essentially from scratch, and it’s safe to say Streetsblog and Streetfilms would not be in the position we are today without her. If […]

Streetfilms: Scenes From Summer Streets

Saturday was the second of three Summer Streets this August, with car-free streets along Park Avenue and Lafayette Street from 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. Couldn’t make it yourself? Clarence Eckerson Jr. from Streetfilms, as always, has got you covered. Clarence says he was particularly struck by how many people pedaled the route using […]

The 12 Most Influential Streetfilms of All Time: Number 11

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all-time, as determined by the impresario himself, Clarence Eckerson Jr. This week: Streetsblog publisher Mark Gorton sits down with Enrique Peñalosa, then-former and current mayor of Bogota. Mark […]