Wanted: Your Eyes on Your Streets

3938221405_3d62be80fa.jpgBikes on the Governors Island Ferry in New York City. Photo by Benjamin Running.

We need your help.

We want to see what you’re seeing when you’re out there on the streets of America, and we’re going to be asking you to send us your pictures on specific themes in the weeks to come.

This week: bike traffic.

In pretty much every part of the country, fall is prime biking weather — not too hot, not too cold. Just right for riding to work, doing your errands or getting out and about for some recreation.

Well, we want the proof. Shoot us your pictures of bike traffic in the places you live — the more cyclists the merrier. Of course, while pictures of jam-packed bike lanes are welcome, feel free to send along anything noteworthy, beautiful or just plain fun.

We’ll gather the results and put them together in a slide show for your enjoyment and edification.

You can send JPEGs to me at sarah [at] streetsblog [dot] org. Or tag your photos with streetsblog in Flickr.

Don’t forget to include caption info, and let us know how you want to be credited.

Need a deadline? Submit your entries by next Tuesday, September 29th.

And have fun out there!


The Daily News Settles It: NYC Needs More Protected Bike Lanes

Strip the conclusions from Alex Nazaryan’s bike lane review in yesterday’s Daily News — by my count, the 434th “Vicious Cycle” headline of the past three years — and you actually come away with some observations about NYC streets that I think most people who bike in the city would agree with. Nazaryan, you may […]

Bronx Hub Gets Smorgasbord of Ped-Bike-Transit Enhancements

Work is underway on a major livable streets makeover [PDF] for the Hub — a shopping mecca in Melrose that some have called "the Times Square of the Bronx." The DOT plan simplifies a complex traffic pattern where three streets converge. In the process, space is transferred from vehicles to sidewalk extensions, pedestrian refuges, and […]

Bin Laden Is Dead, But the Second Avenue Bike Lane Lives On

Given enough time, the theory goes, a thousand monkeys banging away at a thousand typewriters will eventually compose the complete works of Shakespeare. But Marcia Kramer and the crack news writers at CBS2 only needed a couple of hours, maybe less, to come up with last night’s masterpiece about the extension of the First and […]

The 2012 NYC Streetsies, Part 3

Welcome to the third and final installment of the 2012 NYC Streetsies. If you’re just joining us, read parts one and two first. Note: The Streetsblog and Streetfilms year-end pledge drive ends at midnight, which means time is running out to enter to win a Specialized hybrid bike courtesy of Bicycle Habitat. Everyone who gives […]

Eyes on the Street: Return of the Guerrilla Separated Bike Lane

Brooklyn’s new guerrilla bike lane has a life of its own. Last week we shared some pictures of a makeshift separated bike lane on the block of Bergen Street between Sixth Avenue and Flatbush Avenue, which is usually blocked by NYPD squad cars from the 78th Precinct. Enterprising local resident Ian Dutton had re-purposed some […]