A Bike-to-School Bright Spot in NYC

No sooner did Brad post about the dismal state of biking to school in most of the country than City Room published this great little story about the opposite trend here in New York. A few dozen schools are trying to make it easier for students and parents to bike in every day. Writing for the "Spokes" column, Josh Brustein profiles Meghan Faux and her daughter Ryan, who ride to P.S. 261, an elementary school in Boerum Hill:

There are no estimates about how prevalent bicycle commuting is
among parents, students and teachers at New York City’s schools, but a
morning spent in front of P.S. 261 gives credibility to Ms. Faux’s
claim that she is not an anomaly. P.S. 261, which has about 830
students, is one of 34 schools to have requested that the Department of
Transportation install bike racks through the department’s CityRacks
program. Last spring, the department installed five bike racks in front
of the school, giving parents an alternative to the chain-link fence
that they had been using to lock up bicycles to that point.

The school’s principal, Zipporiah Mills,
said that the racks had made it easier on parents, and that the
popularity of bringing children to school on bicycles had been growing
for several years.

Also among the parents Brustein interviews: Livable Streets Education director Kim Wiley-Schwartz, who’s raising two kids to ride bikes.

This actually got me thinking about Saturday night’s bike slam design battle. Team New York, you were on to something with this whole Safe Zones thing. How many more parents and childrens would bike to school if they had safe routes to travel?


The Power of Parking Policy

This is the third in a three-part series on New York City parking policy.Part 1: The New York City Parking Boom  Part 2: Parking: If You Build it They Will Come… in Their Cars Over the course of the last year, New York City’s transportation policy community has spent tremendous time, energy and money pursuing […]

The New York City Parking Boom

The first in a three-part series on New York City parking policy. Last December, in announcing the goals of his Long-Term Planning and Sustainability initiative, Mayor Michael Bloomberg raised the terrifying specter of New York City commuters in the year 2030 stuck in an eight-hour "rush hour." This all-day traffic jam would become a reality, the […]

10,000 New Bike Parking Spaces for London Schools

Speaking of bike parking, 10,000 new bike parking spaces have been installed in 400 London schools since the 2004 launch of the Mayor’s School Cycle Parking Programme, Transport for London announced yesterday. This year alone TfL will spend £1.2 million on school bike parking (that’s $2.5 million and rising). Many of the new bike parking […]

DOT Accepting Applications for Bike to School Program

The New York City Department of Transportation, which began its Bike to School initiative in 2010, is looking for a new crop of schools to begin the three-year program. All NYC middle and high schools — public or private — are encouraged to apply before the December 12 deadline. In 2010, Streetfilms came along for […]