The Pedestrian Crush: It Doesn’t Have to Be Like This

Although there is undoubtedly an amazing streets renaissance
going on in NYC, there still remain places in dire need of
improvement. Every workday, heavily-used areas like the blocks surrounding Penn
Station are overwhelmed with
pedestrians making their way home via buses, subways, the Long
Island Railroad and Amtrak. The sidewalks are so
clogged by this "crush of humanity" that people are forced to walk in
the streets. If you’ve never seen it, or if you’re claustrophobic, get ready.

Open Planning Project Executive Director Mark Gorton
recently went out to sample the atmosphere on a typical weekday evening and posits that we can do much better in how we choose to allocate street space. His words sum it up nicely:

The reason it’s so crowded here is not because there’s not enough space. It’s because we give all of our space to the least spatially-efficient form of transportation available. 

Of course he is referring to the automobile — especially the single-occupant vehicle. Oddly enough, I did a PSA over three years ago
which aired during our New York City Streets Renaissance campaign launch. I filmed most of
it in the same location. It still looks much the same, perhaps



U.S. DOT Launches “Everyone Is a Pedestrian” Campaign

Yesterday, U.S. DOT launched a new campaign called “Everyone Is a Pedestrian,” including $2 million in grants that will be awarded to as many as six focus cities for pedestrian safety education and enforcement initiatives. While $2 million is peanuts in the grand scheme of the nation’s pedestrian safety needs, it’s notable that Transportation Secretary Anthony […]

Finally, a Little Accountability for State DOTs on Bike and Pedestrian Safety

In a win for bike and pedestrian safety, the Federal Highway Administration announced yesterday that it will require state transportation agencies to do something they have never had to do before: set goals to reduce bike and pedestrian fatalities, and track progress toward attaining those goals. The news is part of FHWA’s roll-out of several “performance measures” […]

NYPD Transpo Big: Pedestrian Safety Ranks Behind Motorist Happiness

NYPD’s Joseph Ellis. Photo: If there is any doubt about NYPD’s callous attitude toward the safety of millions of New York City pedestrians, consider the recent testimony of Joseph Ellis, traffic manager for the Traffic Intelligence Unit. At last week’s pedestrian safety summit at Elmhurst Hospital Center — where auto-inflicted injuries lead all causes […]