Kalashnikovs for Clunkers: The Next Stimulus Plan


In case you don’t qualify for the federal Cash-for-Clunkers rebate program, Mark Muller of Max Motors in Butler, Missouri, has an offer you might want to consider: get a free AK-47 with a new truck.

The dealer, whose motto is "God, Guns, Guts and American Pick-Up Trucks," one-upped himself from last year’s offer of pistols or petrol, and said that sales have doubled since the promotion started. He also had some choice social commentary in various interviews:

  • "There’s a bunch of evil in the world and people need to protect themselves."
  • "I’d personally like to have a sporting chance, instead of just becoming a victim."
  • "Without guns, we are subjects. With guns, we are citizens."
  • "The only 911 call I need is chamberering a round."

Fortunately you can’t just walk out of Max Motors with an AK; Muller provides you with a voucher for $450 redeemable at a local gun dealer, where you still have to go through a background check. Maybe I haven’t been to a gun show in a while, but doesn’t that seem like a lot of gun for so little coin?

No matter your moral leanings, you have to admit Muller’s plan is ingenious marketing, given that, outside of iPhones, guns are about the only thing selling well in this economy under this presidency. He has even given interviews to Al Jazeera, and Russia Today.

Two of the more entertaining interviews after the jump: