The Oberstar Bill: What About the Highways-Transit Split?

As transit fans and policy wonks digest the details of House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar’s (D-MN) new proposal, one question is coming to mind: Does it change the typical 80-20 split in the percentage of funding that goes to highways versus transit?

The short answer is, not really. While road programs got a hair less than 80 percent of highway trust fund money under the 2005 transportation bill, they will get about 75 percent of trust fund money under Oberstar’s plan, according to an analysis by the subscription-only Transportation Weekly newsletter.

Transit programs, by contrast, got 18.3 percent of total funding under the 2005 bill and would receive 22.2 percent under Oberstar’s proposal, Transportation Weekly found.

But the long answer is that this marginal improvement amounts to real progress. Among Oberstar’s four consolidated categories of highway funding, only one focuses on building new capacity — and that pot of money also gives states the flexibility to spend on new transit rather than new roads.

The other three highway funding categories Oberstar proposes would focus on repair of existing roads and bridges, air quality and public health improvement, and safety improvements. In addition, the House chairman also would create a dedicated program for metropolitan areas’ concerns and reform the New Starts program to ensure a more comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of new transit proposals.

On Capitol Hill, lawmakers and advocates are constantly confronting the tension between what’s ideal and what’s realistically possible. The question for some transit boosters may be whether to support Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood’s push for an 18-month extension of existing law, welcoming the chance for more time to promote their priorities, or whether to align with Oberstar’s plan and try to challenge the administration.


Oberstar’s New Transportation Bill: Get the Highlights

Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN), the House transportation committee chairman, is set to brief reporters this afternoon on his $450 billion, six-year federal transportation bill — which he plans to pursue regardless of the Obama administration’s push for an 18-month extension of existing law. House Transportation Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN) has a brewing battle with […]

Oberstar’s Transportation Bill: The Early Word

Policy wonks across the capital are still poring over the 775-page bill released earlier today by Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN), chairman of the House transportation committee. But searching the legislation for the key topics being debated by transportation reformers reveals new details and raises new questions. The new House transportation bill brings good news for […]

House Transpo Leaders United — in Frustration With the White House

Senior members of the House transportation committee today fired a warning shot at those pushing an 18-month extension of existing federal law, putting the Obama administration and key senators on notice that their $450 billion proposal would move forward this year. How often does Larry Summers hold a shovel? Photo: World Economic Forum/Flickr Rep. Jim […]

Transport Construction Industry Mobilizes for Oberstar’s Bill

Acrimonious opposition to health care reform has become the biggest political story of an otherwise sleepy August, but that doesn’t mean lobbying on the House’s transportation bill has evaporated. (Image: ARTBA) The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), which represents major construction companies, released a bulletin to members today urging them to connect with […]