Lawmakers Push for Federal Help With Transit Operating: Read the Letter

The House and Senate are racing to reach agreement on a $90 billion bill to keep the Iraq and Afghanistan wars funded, but the legislation also could mark a pivotal victory for transit.

Peter_DeFazio_2.jpgRep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR). Photo: UPI

The Senate version of the war bill contains a provision that would
allow transit agencies to use 10 percent of their money they get from
the economic stimulus law to pay operating costs. If the House agrees
to add that provision to the war bill, it would be a boon to
cash-strapped localities that are facing steep cuts in service thanks
to the economic downturn.

Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-OR), chairman
of the House transportation committee’s highways and transit panel, has
enlisted 26 colleagues for a letter to congressional leaders urging
that the Senate’s transit provision be kept in the final version of the
war legislation.

CQ reported on the letter on Friday, but we have a complete copy for your downloading pleasure right here. Has your local member of Congress signed on?


Congress Agrees to Keep Transit Operating Aid in War Bill

Photo: jough [formerly jough]/Flickr House and Senate negotiators struck a deal last night on a $106 billion war spending bill that also gives cash-strapped transit agencies the ability to use 10 percent of their economic stimulus grants to pay operating costs. The issue of operating costs has heated up in recent weeks, with local transit […]

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