Eyes on the Street: First Weekend of Car-Free Summer Streets


A reader sends in these shots of weekend car-free street activity. Above, the crowd takes in a performance from the Fourth Arts Block "Meet the Street" series on East 4th Street between the Bowery and Second Avenue in Manhattan; below is a scene from the first Saturday of Williamsburg Walks, taken at North 6th and Bedford.


To be included in our Flickr pool, add the "streetsblog" tag to your Summer Streets shots.


Eyes on the Street: A Summer Space on Montague

In these shots from tipster Jeff Prant (more after the jump), Brooklyn Heights residents take advantage a car-free Montague Street this past weekend. Though the July 4th holiday, overcast skies, and inadequate publicity are all suspected to have affected turnout on its first week, those who missed out can enjoy Montague "Summer Space" events on […]

Eyes on the Street: Union Street Trolley Tracks Exposed!

Construction is moving ahead on one of the summer’s blockbuster livable streets projects, the addition of new pedestrian and bicycle amenities at Grand Army Plaza. As often happens in Brooklyn, in the course of digging up the pavement the crew unearthed some remains from the previous incarnation of the street. Susan Kille posted this shot […]

Eyes on the Street: Summer Streets, May Day Edition

New Yorkers got an unusual taste of what car-free streets feel like yesterday, thanks to the combination of Occupy Wall Street’s May Day march and the New York Police Department. To mark the labor movement holiday, thousands of people took to the streets of Lower Manhattan to protest economic inequality. According to the New York […]

Eyes on the Street: Summer Streets Gallery #2

Welcome to the second installment of our Summer Streets photo tour. This pic comes courtesy of BicyclesOnly, who says Park Avenue South is "one of the more dangerous roadways to bicycle on in Manhattan. Without the cars, it’s a playground for these two." More pics after the jump…