Save the Tour de Brooklyn! Free Beer!
We just received this urgent S.O.S. from Transportation Alternatives to people living or working near Smith and 9th Streets in Brooklyn:
From: Paul White, Executive Director, Transportation Alternatives
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: Urgent mission to save the Tour de BrooklynDearest Bicycle-Savvy Denizens of the Slope and Surrounding ‘Hoods–
Our Budget rent-a-truck broke down at the corner of Smith and 9th. This truck is filled with material for this Sunday’s Tour de Brooklyn. Whomever meets me there at 5pm today to help us transfer this stuff into an operable truck gets free beer and a snack immediately afterward. Many hands will make light work!
I need some help here! Thanks!
Sustainably yours,
Paul Steely White
Executive Director
Transportation Alternatives