Bike Racks Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

DOT’s release of mapped bike rack locations last week was met with excitement, but at least one Streetsblog reader also wondered how useful such info would be on-the-fly. While it may not be something you’ll whip out en route, this information can be incredibly helpful for communities in planning and campaigning for more bike parking.

bmabr_landingpage.pngA new mapping tool will help neighborhoods plan for more bike parking.

For example, the Livable Streets Initiative and The Open Planning Project have been working with the Transportion Alternatives Brooklyn Committee on an app for communities to collaborate on bulk orders of bike racks.

How do bulk orders work? Lauri Schindler of the Park Slope Civic Council lays it out beautifully in this StreetsWiki article. This tool is about to make the collaborative process a whole lot easier, and more open. Our pilot project is focused on the Brooklyn Community District 1 area, but in the future the app will be available for planning in other neighborhoods.

Look out for it later this month — we’ll be back with more details. In the meantime, don’t forget that the Brooklyn Committee is celebrating all month long with June’s bike BKLN.


This Week: Bike Parking on UWS, Brown-Bagging With NYMTC

This year’s livable streets calendar action kicks off Tuesday with a community board vote on Upper West Side bike parking, followed by forums on transit and development. Tuesday: The full board of Manhattan CB 7 will consider a resolution on converting the now-unused bases of parking meters into bike racks along long stretches of Amsterdam […]

In NJ Town, Demonstrating the Benefits of Bike Lanes

Collings Avenue: A street that could use a bike lane. Photo: Joe Bonaparte. Back in May, Stella Bonaparte launched a group called Collingswood Streets and began studying bike lane options for downtown Collingswood, NJ, a borough outside Camden. Now she’s shared her excellent work on the Livable Streets Community. As she explains in the study: […]

What Does Southern Brooklyn Think About Bicycling?

Livable Streets member Sholom Brody files an interesting report from southern Brooklyn, where volunteers with Transportation Alternatives’ Brooklyn Committee recently surveyed subway and bus commuters about their attitudes toward bicycling and bike infrastructure. Brooklynites wait to transfer to the bus from the Kings Highway subway station. Photo: Sholom Brody Neighborhoods like Mill Basin, Marine Park, […]

This Week: Lots of Livable Streets Action at Community Boards

This week, there are opportunities to support bike corrals, bike lanes, better bus service, and Safe Routes to Schools at community board meetings in Brooklyn and Queens. Plus: Two City Council committees are set to tackle pedestrian safety issues this week. Here are the highlights. Check the Streetsblog calendar for the full slate of events: Tuesday: The […]