Streetfilms: Students Paint the Pavement in Brooklyn

Can public art also mean public safety? A weekend addition to a Brooklyn street could be the start of something big. Clarence Eckerson explains:  

In what is being called the first event of its kind in New York City, Livable Streets Education teamed up with Community Roots Charter School and P.S. 67, with a helping hand from New York Cares and the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership, to paint a magnificent mural on St. Edwards Street in Fort
Greene, Brooklyn. The project, which was designed by art students, was
done with the blessing of NYC DOT
under its new Urban Art Program. These short term public art installations are referred to as "Arterventions."

Not only did these students beautify their school’s street, they also identified it to motorists as a thoroughfare frequented by school-age pedestrians in a way that mere signage and conventional markings do not. There are hundreds of school zones across the city that could benefit from the same treatment.

The city recognizes the risks posed by idling vehicles near schools. Why not replicate this low cost, high impact project to lessen the hazards of vehicles in motion?


Saturday: Paint the Pavement With Brooklyn Students

Laying down a fresh coat on Portland’s Sunnyside Piazza. If you’re in Fort Greene tomorrow, drop by 51 St. Edwards Street for some great Livable Streets action. Students from the Community Roots Charter School will be out in the street from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., working on a new mural covering the pavement in […]

Streetfilms: Contraflow Bike Lanes — A Capital Idea

While we were down in Washington, DC for the National Bike Summit, Streetfilms got the chance to check out some of the capital’s innovative new bike infrastructure. Tops on our list: the city’s first protected, contraflow lane for bicyclists. The district DOT has redesigned 15th Street NW between U Street and Massachusetts Avenue to accommodate […]

Streetfilms Inspires New Jersey “Traffic Safety Quilt”

Check out this livable streets story from Ocean City, New Jersey, where a local arts group, high school art students, and the police department teamed up for a street mural installation. The kicker: the project was inspired by Streetfilms (look for the shout-out at the 4:30 mark). Ocean City Mayor Sal Perillo says the benefits […]

Eyes on the Street: Queens Crossing Guards Improvise Street Safety Fixes

While Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz is out to tear up pedestrian refuges on a dangerous stretch of Fort Hamilton Parkway, over in Queens, local street safety experts are improvising their own traffic-calming measures. Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson took these pictures of crossing guards using cones as makeshift safety improvements outside two Jackson Heights schools. The […]

Streetfilms Portland Week: Safe Routes to School

As someone who lives in Brooklyn and pedals a two-year-old to daycare three days a week, I find the scenes depicted in this video to be completely incredible. There is no question in my mind that the future of New York City has to look something like this. –Editor Portland’s Safe Routes to SchoolA Clarence […]

The 2009 Streetsie Awards, Part 3

This post wraps up the Aughts for Streetsblog. For more year-in-review flavor, Clarence has a real treat over at Streetfilms. Have a great New Year everyone. Best Legislator: Brooklyn’s David Yassky capped off a very pro-livable streets tenure in City Council by carrying the banner for the Bicycle Access Bill. After a legislative win that […]