Profile Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to Livable Streets Community member silverlynx for his stunning submission to our Profile Photo Contest! Silverlynx is the captain of a tugboat on the San Francisco Bay and rides a DaHon bicycle to commute between jobs. The first prize of a bike gift basket donated by B’s Bikes in Williamsburg, Brooklyn goes to him.

LSCgrab.jpgWinner silverlynx and runners up lizonthebus and George Osner (l-r)

Runners up include:

  • lizonthebus for a photo of herself in what appears to be a brilliant BART train Halloween costume;

graham.jpgHonorable mention: graham
  • George Osner, an urban planner and 40-year bike commuter from Modesto, CA, for his creative pose behind a bicycle dream catcher (made by his friend Craig Sawyer);
  • and an honorable mention to Transportation Alternatives’ Graham T. Beck for the captivating scene at right.

All finalists will receive a complimentary advance copy of the soon-to-be-released Streetfilms Toolbox DVD.

Finalist George Osner lists his Twitter feed (@gosner) on his profile, and we thought this would be a good moment to point you to our Twitter action too: you can follow the national Streetsblog Network @streetsblog, as well as @StreetsblogSF and @lastreetsblog. Get on the Twitter train, and don’t hesitate to join the community just because the contest is done — the benefits of being connected go far beyond bike baskets.