Eyes on the Street: Protected Dumpster Lane


As spotted on Eighth Avenue near 14th Street on Tuesday.


Eyes on the Street: Bike Traffic on Eighth = Rolling Goldmine

Thanks to BicyclesOnly for posting this shot from yesterday morning’s commute to the Streetsblog Flickr pool. By my count, we’ve got six people riding bikes here on a one-and-a-half block stretch of the Eighth Avenue protected path, with two or three others farther back, in the shade. As far as I can tell, everyone is […]

Eyes on the Street: Bike-Ped Improvements on 6 1/2 and Eighth Avenues

Safer streets are taking shape in Midtown, with work underway to create new paths through the heart of the city for pedestrians and cyclists alike. Crosswalks and street signs are in place for one of the Department of Transportation’s most original projects, a pedestrian thoroughfare designated as 6 1/2 Avenue. Thanks to a 1980s zoning provision, a […]

Eyes on the Street: Eighth Avenue Protected Bike Lane Heads North

Reader Niles Ray sends in this bird’s-eye view of bike lane construction on Eighth Avenue at 37th Street. The extension of protected bike lanes on Eighth and Ninth Avenues was proposed by DOT last year, and won subsequent community board approval. The lanes and pedestrian islands will provide safer passage for cyclists and pedestrians north […]