DOT to Present Two-Way Protected Bike Path for PPW Tonight

Tonight, at a transportation committee meeting of Brooklyn Community Board 6, DOT will present plans for a two-way protected bike path along Prospect Park West, from Union Street to Bartel Pritchard Square. The proposal would reduce the number of traffic lanes on the high-speed thoroughfare from three to two, according to the meeting agenda.

Not on the agenda: restoring two-way traffic on Prospect Park West and Eighth Avenue, which neighborhood advocates have been calling for in addition to the protected bike path. Converting Prospect Park West and Eighth Avenue from one- to two-way flow would further reduce speeding and relieve some of the neighborhood’s most problematic bottlenecks.

Renderings of the plan, the first on-street path of its kind for New York City, are not yet available. To get a glimpse of what the new path will look like, head over to John Jay High School on Seventh Avenue between 4th and 5th Street in Park Slope. The meeting gets started at 6:30.