Putting Facebook to Work for Transit Rescue

metrocard_facebook.jpgGot a Facebook account? The Campaign for New York’s Future is asking transit riders to use the image on the right (get it here) as their profile pic, while changing their status to:

“Telling my state senator I oppose
the MTA doomsday fare hikes and service cuts at www.KeepNewYorkMoving.org"

In other it-ain’t-over-’til-it’s-over doomsday news, as state lawmakers continue to get hammered for inaction and pressured to avert fare hikes and service cuts, the Straphangers Campaign will be handing out fliers tomorrow morning in Times Square urging rush hour commuters to contact their reps.


Tell State Legislators to Avert MTA Doomsday

This afternoon, the State Senate is holding a hearing at Brooklyn Borough Hall to review the Ravitch Commission’s MTA rescue plan. Albany has until March 25th to stave off major fare hikes and service cuts, a doomsday scenario that would spell disaster for transit riders and choke New York City streets with more auto traffic. […]

Doomsday News: MTA Votes, Paterson Plays Chicken, Monserrate Indicted

Photo: The Daily Politics The MTA’s doomsday scenario came closer to fruition today, as agency board members took a step toward implementing planned fare hikes and service reductions while state lawmakers appeared mired in stalemate. Here are a few tidbits. Newsday filed this report on the MTA Finance Committee meeting (as live-blogged by Second Avenue […]

Rally for Transit Rescue Today at Union Square

There will be a rally today from 5:30 to 7:30 at Union Square (Broadway and 14th St. in Manhattan) in protest of planned MTA fare hikes and service cuts. Event organizers include Transportation Alternatives, the Straphangers Campaign, the Working Families Party, Keep New York Moving and the Facebook group "1,000,000 People Against the NYC MTA […]

MTA Doomsday Hotline: How to Reach Your State Senator

If you’re having a "mad as hell" kind of morning and want to channel your frustration over imminent doomsday fare hikes and service cuts, here’s where you can track down the number for your state senator’s Albany office. Those in the Union Square area can also drop by Transportation Alternatives’ phone-a-thon, which will be going […]

Transit Riders to Albany: Get to Work on a Real MTA Solution

Photo: Ben Fried. Yesterday’s rally in Union Square drew hundreds of transit riders calling on the State Senate and Albany leaders to enact a long-term solution for the MTA’s enormous funding shortfall. Judging by the cheering sections in the audience, most of the crowd was mobilized by the Facebook group "1,000,000 People Against the NYC […]