Tell State Legislators to Avert MTA Doomsday

This afternoon, the State Senate is holding a hearing at Brooklyn Borough Hall to review the Ravitch Commission’s MTA rescue plan. Albany has until March 25th to stave off major fare hikes and service cuts, a doomsday scenario that would spell disaster for transit riders and choke New York City streets with more auto traffic.

If you couldn’t make it to the hearing today, the Campaign for New York’s Future has an email action to voice support for a plan, like Ravitch’s, that asks drivers and businesses to provide a stable funding stream for transit. An MTA rescue package that puts a price on free bridges would do far
more to reduce traffic congestion than an alternative like Bill
Thompson’s proposal to raise vehicle registration fees, so I suggest a slight edit to the email script that will reach your state reps:

…riders cannot bear the brunt of this crisis alone — we need contributions from all sectors, including businesses and drivers who currently commute via free bridges, because all sectors benefit when the trains and buses move millions of New Yorkers every day.

Tell us in the comments how you personalized your message.


Where Does the Working Families Party Stand on MTA Rescue?

Millions of New York City bus riders are counting on an MTA rescue plan to maintain service and hold fares down. Last week, some of the biggest unions in New York came out in favor of the Ravitch Commission’s MTA rescue plan, including the bridge tolls that a handful of state senators refuse to support. […]

Will the Transit-Riding Public Get a Fair Shake?

Whatever your stance on the Ravitch Commission’s MTA rescue plan, the broad inequities of allowing New York transit service to deteriorate while fares rise 23 percent are stunning. The doomsday budget passed earlier this week would affect vastly more New Yorkers than bridge tolls or congestion pricing, burdening those who can least afford the added […]

MTA Doomsday Hotline: How to Reach Your State Senator

If you’re having a "mad as hell" kind of morning and want to channel your frustration over imminent doomsday fare hikes and service cuts, here’s where you can track down the number for your state senator’s Albany office. Those in the Union Square area can also drop by Transportation Alternatives’ phone-a-thon, which will be going […]

MTA Blame Game: The View from Staten Island

Here’s State Senator Andrew Lanza, a Staten Island Republican, explaining why he supports tolls on the East River bridges. For Staten Island drivers looking at a $3 hike in cash tolls to cross the Verrazano (or a $1.32 hike for locals with E-ZPass), the sight of other motorists getting a free pass into Manhattan must […]

Eric Schneiderman Cedes Leadership on MTA Rescue

If there’s one state legislator who gets it when it comes to the value of transit and car-free mobility, it’s Senator Eric Schneiderman. Representing parts of the Upper West Side, Northern Manhattan and the Bronx since 1998, Schneiderman once served as counsel for NYPIRG. He heralded the release of PlaNYC, likening its sweeping vision for […]