Caption Contest: Re-name This Foursome


Hat tip to Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics for this snapshot of four state senators who’ve helped concoct a stopgap, toll-less MTA funding plan that does nothing to address the imminent decline of New York’s transit system. Lest they be accused of completely shortchanging the future, they say maintenance and expansion can be taken care of next year, by raising personal income taxes throughout the 12-county MTA region. Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith is calling it all "sound practice." Politicker’s Jimmy Vielkind has more from Smith.

The grinners, from left to right, are Carl Kruger, Ruben Diaz, Sr., Pedro Espada, Jr., and Hiram Monserrate (yes, that Hiram Monserrate). When these men held the Democratic takeover of the Senate hostage, they styled themselves the "four amigos." Now that they’ve done their level best to hamper investment in subways and buses, all to preserve a free ride to Manhattan for the car-driving minority, I think it’s time for a new nickname. Something to do with horsemen, perhaps?


Poll Watch: Paterson Getting No Respect for MTA Rescue Efforts

If you’re the sort of person who just can’t resist unscientific internet polls (and I am), there are a couple of good ones about the current state of MTA rescue talks. In NY1’s who-to-blame poll, ineffectual Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith was getting off scot-free as of about 4:30 this afternoon: The governor, who went […]

Malcolm Smith Spins Transit Band-aid as Victory for “Reform”

Now that Governor Paterson has backtracked on his pledge to secure a long-term solution to New York’s transit funding crisis, the push is on to spin the slapdash result as a responsible outcome, not a capitulation to Albany’s lowest common denominator. Courtesy of Liz Benjamin, here’s Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith emerging from last night’s […]

Can Kibbles ‘n Bits Save the MTA?

Photo: The Daily Politics While Majority Leader Malcolm Smith insists he can round up enough votes to pass the latest Senate MTA rescue plan, The Daily Politics reports that Bronx Assemblyman Peter Rivera participated in a rally today outside City Hall in protest of the proposal’s $1 taxi surcharge, a facet of the bill that […]

Gene Russianoff on What’s Next for MTA Rescue

The headlines this morning were sobering for everyone who depends on New York City’s transit system. Half-baked alternatives to the Ravitch plan are popping up left and right as bridge toll opponents dig in their heels, despite the whopping service cuts and fare hikes that loom for their constituents. With Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith […]