We’re Hiring: Cover the Capitol for Streetsblog

With major transportation, climate, and energy legislation coming before Congress in 2009 and 2010, Streetsblog is seeking a talented journalist to cover Capitol Hill. We’re looking for a reporter/blogger who can help bring outside-the-Beltway readers inside the legislative process, scoop the mainstream press, and make Streetsblog Capitol Hill an engaging and entertaining must-read.

Our ideal candidate is a talented, experienced writer and reporter who knows the players in transportation and environmental policymaking on Capitol Hill. The ability to navigate the intricacies of the legislative process, to dig beneath the surface, and to track the interests and influences behind the scene is a must.


While Streetsblog has a distinct advocacy bent oriented towards reducing automobile dependence and improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders, we bring newspaper-quality journalism to the issues that we cover. Towards that end, we are seeking a reporter/blogger with previous professional experience to do original research, interviews, investigation and coverage of events. Qualifications include:

  • Professional journalism experience, ideally covering the legislative processes related to transportation, planning or environmental policy issues.
  • A network of existing sources – and an ability to cultivate new sources – among the lawmakers, lobbyists, advocates and other players who work on federal transportation policy issues.
  • Experience with WordPress or other blogging technologies is a plus.
  • A personal passion for the issues that Streetsblog covers.

To Apply

Send a resume, cover letter, and relevant clips/links to jobs@streetsblog.org.

Streetsblog is produced by The Open Planning Project, a New York City-based non-profit that uses technology to catalyze civic action and social change. This position is full-time, and the Reporter will work remotely from Washington, DC.


Introducing Streetsblog Capitol Hill

We are excited to announce the official launch of Streetsblog Capitol Hill. With major transportation, climate and energy legislation coming before Congress in the next year or two we felt that it was critical to have a talented journalist down in Washington D.C. covering the issues on a daily basis. With the financial support of […]

Thursday Job Market

Looking to hire a smart, qualified person for a position in transportation planning, engineering, IT, or advocacy? Post a listing on the Streetsblog Jobs Board and reach our national audience of dedicated readers. Looking for a job? Here are this week’s listings: Event Director, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition, San Francisco, CA The Bay Area Bicycle Coalition is […]

We’re Hiring: Lead Streetsblog’s National Coverage

Editor’s note: Our search for a national reporter to take over Streetsblog Capitol Hill wouldn’t be complete without putting out a call to the audience with the greatest passion for livable streets and sustainable transportation policy — our readers. To apply, send a resume, cover letter, and relevant clips to jobs [at] streetsblog [dot] org. […]

Oberstar’s Transportation Bill: Download It in Full

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar’s (D-MN) new federal bill, which he previewed last Wednesday despite pushback from the Obama administration, is officially out. You can download the 775-page legislative text right here, thanks to Transportation for America. Streetsblog Capitol Hill is thumbing through it now to provide highlights later today.

Oberstar to Back 3-Month Delay in Transport Bill As Soon As Next Week

House transportation committee chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN) is readying a proposal to extend current infrastructure law by three months — 15 months less than the delay preferred by the White House — and could introduce the legislation as soon as next week, his office said today. House transport committee chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN) (Photo: Capitol […]