National Complete Streets Bill Back in Play


There’s a new Complete Streets Act pending in both chambers of Congress, and it needs co-sponsors. The bill would require federally-funded road projects to meet the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders — not just drivers. To ask your representatives to sign on as co-sponsors, head over to Transportation for America’s e-campaign.

Sacramento representative Doris Matsui, who introduced the bill in the House, spoke today at the National Bike Summit. After introducing a similar bill in 2008, along with Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, she says this could be the year complete streets principles become law. BikePortland’s Jonathan Maus reports:

“Transportation should focus on all Americans, not just people who
drive cars,” said Matsui to receptive applause. She spoke about how our
transportation system must reflect that key American democratic ideal —

Matsui talks about cars and our existing highway system (and the sprawl
they have enabled) as if they’re an evil dragon that must be vanquished
in order for peace and happiness to return to the kingdom.

Check out Jonathan’s Twitter feed for ongoing updates from the summit. This tweet from earlier today was pretty sweet.

Image: Transportation for America