Campaign Enlists Comedians to Curb Reckless Teen Driving

The Ad Council has some new material in its campaign aimed at teenage drivers. In these spots, a comedic actor (Fred Willard in the ad above) in the backseat of a car with three teens cajoles or threatens the driver into slowing down or minding the road. The gist of the campaign, corresponding with the title of its web site, is "speak up or else" — a name perhaps more suited to hard-hitting PSAs from overseas.


UK Campaign Drives Home the Cost of Reckless Driving

Warning: Graphic video On the heels of TA’s report on the human toll of driving too fast, we bring you this highly disturbing ad from the UK Department for Transport’s THINK! campaign, showing the difference a few miles-per-hour can make when it comes to avoiding a collision. Ideally material like this (Australia has a similar […]

State Farm Looks to Engage Cycling Community

Responding to criticism of an ad depicting a humiliated office worker forced to bike to his job due to high gas prices, State Farm Director of Marketing Communications Tim Van Hoof writes: I’m sorry this commercial offended anyone. State Farm has been a supporter of bicycle safety through the thousands of bicycle rodeos we’ve held […]

Macy’s: Leave the Car at Home

  J. Crew and W Hotels aren’t the only companies to promote cycling as of late. As part of its "Earth Week" campaign, Macy’s is running the above ad in local papers. Reads the copy: Leave the car at home. Ride a bike or walk to work if you can. Discover your own route. Now […]

Turning a Parking Ticket Into a Bike Purchase

Via NYC livable streets all-star Dani Simons, whose new Tumblr you really ought to be following, comes this marketing innovation from Swedish ad agency Goss and sports good company Sportspec. The flyer next to the parking ticket can be traded in for a discount on a Sportspec bike purchase. Writes Simons: A clever and opportunistic campaign. It […]

Dear Giant Bicycles, Please Bring This Ad Campaign to America

Reader Paul Murphy sends along this ad from the Australian division of Giant Bicycles. The spot, by the Melbourne-based firm Leo Burnett, started airing last summer as part of Giant’s “Real Riders” campaign. Imagine if images of grocery bags slung over handlebars could somehow saturate the airwaves as much as sleek new luxury sedans gliding […]