Cartoon Tuesday: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back?


Hat tip to David Alpert for this Tom Toles toon, which nails the disconnect between the brave green world we’re supposedly entering and the dramatic cutbacks plaguing transit systems across the country. Click through for the punchline (I kind of gave it away already).

Toles’ transit system, the DC Metro, is on the verge of cutting service a few weeks after handling record ridership during the Presidential inauguration. Meanwhile, the stimulus package enters conference committee without provision for operating assistance — and the green jobs it would sustain — in either the House or Senate version of the bill.


Following “Cash for Clunkers” With “Riches for Rail”

Tom Toles cartoon: Washington Post Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a senior member of the Senate Banking Committee, began his hearing on transit today by displaying the above cartoon by Pulitzer prize-winner Tom Toles. The senator’s message parallels Toles’: In a world where the auto industry can get $2 billion more in one week, what’s to be […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Crisis Mode

This cartoon, by Tom Toles of the Washington Post via Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space, refers to DC subway funding, now under attack from conservative "think tanks." But it could just as easily apply to transportation and public works projects across the country, which continue to be largely overlooked despite their prior role as […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Jump the Gates or Dump the Stooges?

From the cutting-off-one’s-nose-to-spite-one’s-face department comes this nonetheless impressive song and video excoriating the MTA (a.k.a. "Money-Taking Assholes") and calling on transit riders to "start jumping the gates." But there’s more to the message than misguided MTA bashing, as "the fuck-ups in Albany" — Ruben Diaz, Sr., Pedro Espada and Carl Kruger, specifically — get their […]