Calling All Livable Streets Activists and Organizers

uncle_sam.jpgThe Open Planning Project (the producers of Streetsblog and Livable Streets Groups) is looking to enlist the help of neighborhood
activists, community organizers, and grassroots leaders to help us
build the next generation of online organizing tools.

Are you trying to organize for change in your neighborhood, town, or
city? Are you trying to take advantage of the internet to do so?

If so, we’d love to pick your brain to find out what tools and
techniques you’re employing and how they’re working for you. Our aim is
to create an online toolset that makes community organizing and
grassroots activism easier and more effective.

Simply filling out this form will be enormously helpful to us. We’d also like to have more in-depth
conversations, either in person or by phone or email. If you’re interested, let us know. We’re eager to
learn all we can about your goals, strategies, and challenges.

Or, go for it in the comments section.  Here’s what we’d like to know:

  • What goals are you/your group trying to accomplish?
  • What tech tools are you currently using to further those goals? (to organize, recruit, mobilize, lobby, publicize, etc.)
  • Of those, which have been the most useful? The least?
  • What functionality do you NOT have that you would most like to have?



Get Involved With the Livable Streets Initiative in NYC

Little-known fact: In addition to publishing Streetsblog, the Livable Streets Initiative does grassroots work in New York City neighborhoods. This year you’ll find us putting on activities at community events all over the city. In particular, Livable Streets Education is organizing a big slate of outdoor family events, art projects and kid-friendly activities in conjunction […]

Streetsblog Will Be Offline Wednesday Morning

Dear Streetsbloggers, We will be offline starting tomorrow morning as we transition Streetsblog to its new design. Barring unforeseen technological catastrophes, we aim to have the new site up and running by the end of day Wednesday. We apologize in advance for depriving any of you junkies of your daily fix of headlines, news and […]

Streetfilms: Street Star Christine Berthet

Today, StreetFilms debuts Street Stars, the first of many planned vignettes for 2008 which will focus on the amazing organizers in our communities who are fighting constructively for livable streets. Hopefully, these Stars will provide a road map for change and inspire others to work to transform their neighborhoods. Their first choice is Christine Berthet, […]

Welcome to the Livable Streets Network

After months of hard work by the outstanding tech team at The Open Planning Project, here’s the new web site. We hope you like the new design and that you’ll find the new features useful. A quick tour: The first thing you may want to do is sign up and become a member to take […]

Jackson Heights Groups Unveil Bottom-Up Plan for Green Neighborhood

Last week, Jackson Heights residents won a summer-long car-free street, and it turns out that local activists have many more initiatives for a greener, more livable neighborhood in their sights. The Jackson Heights Green Agenda [PDF] — the product of a community planning process that drew on the expertise of hundreds of residents — sets […]

CB12 Committee Asks DOT for Dyckman Greenway Connector Study

Nine months after Inwood residents first proposed a physically separated bike lane for Dyckman/200th Street, connecting the east- and west-side Greenways, this week the Community Board 12 Traffic and Transportation Committee approved a resolution calling for DOT to "test the feasibility" of such a project. CB12 action was considered necessary to gain the involvement of […]