Jeffrey Dinowitz, Then and Now

Dinosaur.jpgBronx Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz on congestion pricing, February 2008:

Who could support a plan that creates a regressive tax on middle-class
and working people from the Bronx and the outer boroughs?

Jeffrey Dinowitz on the possibility of eliminating the Bx34, February 2009:

"The fact that they would come up with such a boneheaded idea with this
bus reflects really poorly on their ability to run this agency."

Here’s hoping that residents of the Bronx, most of whom rely on transit, decide for themselves who the real boneheads are.


Nasty, Personal, Elitist and Not a Bronxite

PlaNYC identifies North Riverdale, a neighborhood represented by Bronx Assembly member Jeffrey Dinowitz, as one of 22 New York City neighborhoods with a higher than average concentration of Manhattan-bound drivers. (Download the transportation section, page 86) Bronx Assembly member Jeffrey Dinowitz wasn’t happy with Streetsblog’s presentation of his Riverdale Press editorial against congestion pricing last […]

New Congestion Pricing Plan, Same Jeffrey Dinowitz

The recommendation of a modified congestion pricing plan put forth last week by the Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission has elicited another editorial from Bronx Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz. Tellingly, the piece, from this week’s Riverdale Press, starts off with talking points that fellow Assembly Member Richard Brodsky and "Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free" spokesman Walter […]

Jeffrey Dinowitz Hosts a West Bronx Congestion Pricing Forum

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is hosting a forum on congestion pricing. Speaking in favor of congestion pricing will be Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO of the Partnership for New York City. Speaking in opposition to congestion pricing will be Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions. Residents of the Riverdale, […]