Nadler Amendment: The Ayes Have It

The House just passed Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to add $3 billion for transit investment to the stimulus bill. There’s a lot more work coming up very soon — in the Senate and in conference committee — but this was a hard-fought win and everyone who helped push it through should take a minute to pat yourself on the back. 

David Alpert at Greater Greater Washington has a great report about how it all went down on the House floor.


Nadler Amendment Clears Rules Committee. Floor Vote Next.

A spokesman for Jerrold Nadler confirms that the amendment to boost transit funding in the stimulus package has cleared the House Rules Committee. That means the full House will decide whether to add $3 billion in transit investment to the economic recovery bill — a vote that could take place as soon as noon tomorrow. […]

Watch Now: U.S. Reps Testify About Stim Package

Check out C-SPAN’s streaming video of the House Rules Committee for a glimpse of our federal elected officials in action. The big coming attraction for Streetsbloggers is Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to boost investment in transit. As we go to press, Nadler is set to testify any minute. Rumor has it, the amendment has the backing […]

Last Chance to Tell House Reps to Vote for Transit

We’re getting word that the House will vote on Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to the stimulus bill in less than an hour. $3 billion for transit is on the line. If you haven’t called your representative yet, there’s still time to speak up for more investment in green transportation. Here’s how to get your message through. […]

Schumer Proposes $6.5B More for Transit in Senate Stim Bill

Senator Chuck Schumer has unveiled an amendment to the Senate stimulus bill that would increase transit funding by $6.5 billion — to $14.9 billion overall. This would direct $2.9 billion more to transit, in total, than the House stimulus bill that passed last week. For the wonks out there, transit funding would break down like […]

House Transpo Bill Spells Trouble for Transit Projects Across America

A provision in the House GOP’s new transportation bill threatens to upend how transit agencies fund major capital projects, delaying or killing efforts to expand and maintain rail and bus networks. The Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act (STRR), released Tuesday and marked up in committee yesterday, would change funding rules for the three federal programs […]

Call Now for a Better Transit Stimulus

We’re at a critical moment for green transportation in the stimulus package. The key piece on the table now is Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to boost transit investment by $3 billion. A decision could be reached as soon as today, so now is the time to make those phone calls. The people to reach are the […]