Last Chance to Tell House Reps to Vote for Transit

We’re getting word that the House will vote on Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to the stimulus bill in less than an hour. $3 billion for transit is on the line. If you haven’t called your representative yet, there’s still time to speak up for more investment in green transportation. Here’s how to get your message through.

Calling your rep only takes a minute. Ask him or her to vote yes on the Nadler amendment, which is amendment #70 for H.R. 1.

Update: Looks like general debate on the stimulus bill began a little after 1:00 p.m. Amendments will be voted on after the general debate, which will not drag on very long. If, like me, you’re having trouble with C-SPAN’s streaming video, head over to the House floor Twitter feed for updates.


Nadler Amendment Clears Rules Committee. Floor Vote Next.

A spokesman for Jerrold Nadler confirms that the amendment to boost transit funding in the stimulus package has cleared the House Rules Committee. That means the full House will decide whether to add $3 billion in transit investment to the economic recovery bill — a vote that could take place as soon as noon tomorrow. […]

Call This Morning to Boost Transit Funding in Stimulus Package

Last night Jerrold Nadler’s stimulus bill amendment, which would add $3 billion for transit, cleared the House Rules Committee. The full House may vote on the amendment by noon today, so the sooner you call your representative the better. Transportation for America sends along some key points to make in your phone call: In the […]

Urgent Action: Oppose Highway Robbery in Senate Stim Bill

Stimulus debate continues today in the Senate, where the stale ideas keep on coming. In addition to the $50 billion highway slush fund floated by Senators Boxer and Inhofe (no vote on that one yet), Missouri’s Kit Bond plans to offer two amendments that would rob from transit, rail, and green transportation to pay for […]

Call Now for a Better Transit Stimulus

We’re at a critical moment for green transportation in the stimulus package. The key piece on the table now is Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to boost transit investment by $3 billion. A decision could be reached as soon as today, so now is the time to make those phone calls. The people to reach are the […]

Wiki Wednesday: The Story of the Stimulus

Looks like the conference committee made quick work of the stimulus bill, with Harry Reid announcing that a deal has been reached much sooner than expected (perhaps a bit too prematurely). We’ll have the specifics on transportation funding later tonight or early tomorrow. For now, relive the stimulus saga with StreetsWiki. Contributor DianaD has added […]

Schumer Proposes $6.5B More for Transit in Senate Stim Bill

Senator Chuck Schumer has unveiled an amendment to the Senate stimulus bill that would increase transit funding by $6.5 billion — to $14.9 billion overall. This would direct $2.9 billion more to transit, in total, than the House stimulus bill that passed last week. For the wonks out there, transit funding would break down like […]